My sister and i bought a memory box each because we noticed that we have a lot of special items that we would want to keep in a nice box.
This box contains things that my friends have given me and also things that are generally special to me. The small box inside contains this little mug with my name written on it. I received it from Claire on my first Christmas Party in LUCI. The blue bag contains a perfume that i talked a little bit about on my twitter account, so i won’t further elaborate. The little papers underneath on the left are special receipts and tickets, they could be cinema tickets, memorable tickets from different places in the world and also receipts from memorable moments. The little snoopy jewelry box in the middle contains very special necklaces, rings and pendants from the past. The red one on the corner left contains real silver items that i’ve purchased myself or silver items that were given by close friends. The bracelet on top of it is a chinese good luck bracelet for the year of the dog. I bought this on a special random day when i was with my past boyfriend, cousins and sister after going to a karaoke bar at CSI Mall. It would always be in my bag before, thinking it would give me good luck, that’s why i consider it special. There’s a small whistle that’s beside the snoopy jewelry box, which was from my Majorette days in LUCI. Beside it was a key ring from Blue Magic, which i purchased in Baguio City before when my friends, past boyfriend and i decided to sneak and travel there on a random day just to chill. The heart shaped wood with my name engraved on it was given by my sister.
Beside the small box is a cute Valentine’s Day gift. It was given with a teddy bear but obviously the teddy bear’s too big to be put inside the box, so i just kept that heart shape thing there. The IDs under it are my IDs from my old school, in HK, Aussie and in the Philippines. Under that is a small zip bag that contains special letters that my friends gave me before i left the Philippines. It also contains special love letters that i have kept through out the years. The fake Paul Frank pink bag contains some Philippine money that i apparently have saved up before, and it also contains small papers that contains messages from friends. The pink notebook on the right is a special book where my friends wrote messages in before i left the Philippines last 2009. The teddy bear stick was another gift given by Claire. The little red thing on the corner left of the box is actually a number plate from McDonalds that Sarah kind of stole for me because it had the number 5 on it, which is my fave number. The rolled up letter is a simple paper with original lyrics on it, given by my sister on my birthday. On the corner right are some pictures and a green notebook, which i have kept ever since i was 5 years old. It contains some stories i wrote when i was little.
There are way more things that weren’t mentioned here because it’s not seen anyway. But other things that weren’t mentioned are still very special to me. Hopefully this box will be filled with more memories along the years. I like to take a lot pictures for memories, but having these material things to look at and read and feel would add more to the good times i know i’ve had in the past. So thankful for every memories made in the past, but yes i’ll be making new ones soon..