Friday, June 20, 2014


A video of me rambling and revealing my messed up thoughts on turning 20

I'm writing this blog post a night before i turn 20. Gahhh, i'm turning 20! It's such a crazy thought because i sure am not ready yet. Like with turning 20, that'll mean i'll have no more excuse for my childish actions, i'll have to face more responsibilities, and the idea that i'll now have to say goodbye to my teenage years is pretty epic. I mean it's like my teenage year will have to go out the window and that i'll have to open the door to legit adulthood now. Gahhhh! I'm seriously just not ready for it (refer to video to see how hectic my mind was).

My teenage life has been a blast, looking back i've done so many things. I've said this in the video but i just gotta type it all down again. But woah, growing up in different countries, adapting and trying to adjust to the places, environment, and the people was pretty dramatic. Finding my own self along the way, dealing with different personalities, going through breakups and backstabbing. I've experienced them all! The only regrets i have were making the wrong decisions, and hurting the people i've hurt because of that. But through those, i guess i have become stronger and wiser, and through those i now know who my real friends are. I know who has stayed when i needed them, and i know who will be there to accept me, comfort me and give me advices despite the wrong things i have done.

Well, i am pretty proud to say that before turning 20, i have my life a little fixed together. I mean i do have a boyfriend who's been there, is there and will be there for me. I also have amazing friends who i can count on, and a family who will support me. I've experienced everything i wanted to experience, so i'm pretty blessed at this stage of my life. I have the right people who will guide me to be a better person, and i have a more mature mind to help me make better decisions in life.

So i guess a pat on the back for being a stronger person now, Steph. Cheers to the adventures to come soon! Cheers to creating and making yourself into the successful person you want to become. And finally, cheers to happiness in the future.

Happy 20th, Steph. Go get 'em!

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